
How to select video quality from youtube-dl?

To select the video quality, first use the -F option to list the available formats, here's an example, youtube-dl -F 'http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P9pzm5b6 ...

yt-dlpyt-dlp: A feature-rich command

python -m bundle.pyinstaller accepts any arguments that can be passed to pyinstaller , such as --onefile/-F or --onedir/-D , which is further documented here.

youtube-dlREADME.md at master

The basic usage is not to set any template arguments when downloading a single file, like in youtube-dl -o funny_video.flv https://some/video . However, it ...

youtube-dl - download videos from youtube.com ...

You can use -o - to let youtube- dl stream a video to stdout, or simply allow the player to download the files written by youtube-dl in turn. ERROR: no ...

Where do I put command arguments in a youtube

I'm usually using youtube-dl with terminal like this youtube-dl -o '%(uploader)s - %(title)s.%(ext)s' URL To get my output named like this: Channel name

how to pass additional parameter to function `my_hook` of youtube

I want to pass a socket object to my_hook function to report the latest download progress to another machine. How can i pass it?

Regex in youtube-dl arguments

Regex in youtube-dl arguments ... I want to able to capture the output template even when ffmpeg location is not present in the expression using ...

What arguments do I need to use to make youtube-dl as fast ...

I believe there are arguments you can pass to youtube-dl that allow a command line tool like aria2 to handle the actual downloading, I'd look ...

How can I pass arguments to ffmpeg to use on youtube

I'm making a code where it would use youtube-dl and ffmpeg but I want to add some arguments to ffmpeg also, how can I do it?


Youtube-dl基本介紹 · 畫質、音質沒有限制 · 幾乎支援所有影音格式 · 可以下載整份影片清單 · mp3可以加入歌曲封面和專輯資訊 · 支援字幕、影片縮圖.


Toselectthevideoquality,firstusethe-Foptiontolisttheavailableformats,here'sanexample,youtube-dl-F'http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P9pzm5b6 ...,python-mbundle.pyinstalleracceptsanyargumentsthatcanbepassedtopyinstaller,suchas--onefile/-For--onedir/-D,whichisfurtherdocumentedhere.,Thebasicusageisnottosetanytemplateargumentswhendownloadingasinglefile,likeinyoutube-dl-ofunny_video.flvhttps://some/vi...